The Clockwise/Spiral rule
C type declaration can be intimidating sometimes, such as:
void (*signal(int, void (*fp)(int)))(int);
But with the Clockwise/Spiral rule one can easily read any type declaration.
See this wonderful explanation here.
Version detection
C90 defines this macro whose value is 1 indication that the compiler fully implements Standard C.__STDC_VERSION__
C99 defines this macro whose value indicates which standard the compiler supports.
#if __STDC_VERSION__ == 201710L
/* it's C18 */
#elif __STDC_VERSION__ == 201112L
/* it's C11 */
#elif __STDC_VERSION__ == 199901L
/* it's C99 */
#elif __STDC__ == 1
/* it's C90 */
/* it's not standard conforming */
C90 had no build-in boolean type. C99 added a boolean type _Bool
which now is a keyword. bool
is just an alias for _Bool
, and to use these types you must include <stdbool.h>
Exact-width integer
defines many useful integer types. For example intN_t
and uintN_t
is the signed integer that occupies exactly 8 bits.uint32_t
is the unsigned integer that occupies exactly 32 bits;
However these exact-width integer types are optional, meaning they may be absent from the header.
Anonymous struct / union
Anonymous struct are useful when you don’t want to name your struct/union inside another struct/union. For example, when implementing a dynamically typed language, you need a type to represent all the values in your language, an easy way to do so is to use a enum and a anonymous union inside your struct.
typedef struct {
TypeEnum type;
union {
int i;
double d;
char *c;
} Value;
Value v;
// ...
if (v.type == TYPE_DOUBLE)
do_thing_with_double(v.d); // <=== here
// else ...
Structure padding
typedef struct {
char c;
int i;
} foo;
printf("%d", sizeof(foo));
It’ll print 8 instead of 5 because a padding of 3 bytes are added between c and i. It means that the ordering inside your structure will have an impact on the overall size. One must also remember not to use memcmp
on nonflat structures.
Compound literals
In C90, if you want a fixed value of a structure type, you have to create a named constant object.
typedef struct {
int a;
int b;
} foo;
foo const f = {1, 2};
In C99, you can use a compound literal to represent a fixed value of a structure type.
do_things_with_foo((foo){1, 2});
// even with arrays, and you don't have to specify the size of the array.
do_things_with_array((int[]){1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
Designated initializer
typedef union {
int i;
double d;
} foo;
foo f1 = { .i = 1 };
foo f2 = { .d = 3.2 };
// with arrays
int x[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1};
int x[10] = { [3] = 2, [7] = 1 };
Flexible array member
In C99, the last member of a structure can be an array with unspecified dimension.
typedef struct {
int a;
char b[]; // <=== flexible array member
} foo;
The benefits are that you can now allocate the entire structure with only one call, the same with free
int size = 10;
foo f = malloc(sizeof(foo) + size * sizeof(char));
// ...
free(f); // no need to free(f.b);
intprt_t / uintptr_t
These two types are capable of holding pointers to objects (not pointers to functions). Use them when you want to do arithmetic operations on pointers other than +
or -
. Now you must wondering “why? why would I do that?”, well for example, in the Lua
languages implementation all values are represented using double precision number which is a technique call NAN-tagging
. Here is the code for my toy languages implementation using NAN-tagging
typedef uint64_t Value; // you can use double here, only uint64_t is more convenient.
typedef union {
double num;
Value bits;
} DoubleBits;
#define QNAN ((uint64_t)0x7ffc000000000000)
#define SIGN_BIT ((uint64_t)0x8000000000000000)
#define IS_NUM(v) (((v) & QNAN) != QNAN)
#define NUM_VAL(n) ((DoubleBits){ .num = n }.bits)
#define AS_NUM(v) ((DoubleBits){ .bits = v }.num)
#define IS_OBJ(v) (((v) & (QNAN | SIGN_BIT)) == (QNAN | SIGN_BIT))
#define OBJ_VAL(o) ((Value)(uintptr_t)(o) | QNAN | SIGN_BIT)
#define AS_OBJ(v) ((Obj*)(uintptr_t)((v) & ~(QNAN | SIGN_BIT)))
double a = 23;
printf("%d", AS_NUM(NUM_VAL(a)) == a); // prints 1;
// same with Obj.
Struct inheritance
Since C guarantees that no padding will be added before the first member of a structure which means that the pointer points to the whole structure also points to the first member of the structure. One can write some OOP code using this technique.
typedef struct {
// ...
} Animal;
typedef struct {
Animal base;
// ...
} Dog;
typedef struct {
Animal base;
// ...
} Cat;
// now if you have a dog or cat, you can safely cast it to animal.
Animal *a = (Animal*)dog;
// And cast it back.
Dog *d = (Dog*)a;
It’s like switch
, but on types:
#define acos(X) _Generic((X), \
long double complex: cacosl, \
double complex: cacos, \
float complex: cacosf, \
long double: acosl, \
float: acosf, \
default: acos \
However I haven’t found an elegant solution for multiparameter functions.
Labels as values
To write direct threaded code(computed goto), GUN labels as values extension is way to go. Especially useful for interpreter/compiler writers, you know what I’m saying right? TLDR: it’s a faster version of switch statement.
int *ip;
static void *dispatch_table[] = { &&add, &&subtract, ... };
void interpret() {
goto *dispatch_table[*ip++];
int b = pop();
int a = pop();
push(a + b);
goto *dispatch_table[*ip++];
int b = pop();
int a = pop();
push(a - b);
goto *dispatch_table[*ip++];
Statements as expressions
This is also a GUN extension which gives you the ability to evaluate statements as expressions.
int a = ({int b = 3; b * 2;}); // a => 6
Dynamic array
Normally you just define a structure with length, capacity and the array you want, but here is an implementation which doesn’t need to define a new type. The idea is to store the length at raw[0] and capacity at raw[1], then use raw[2] as the dynamic array.
#define ARRAY_NEW(arr) \
do { \
size_t *raw = malloc(2 * sizeof(size_t)); \
raw[0] = 0; \
raw[1] = 0; \
arr = (void*)&raw[2]; \
} while (false)
#define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) *((size_t*)(arr) - 2)
#define ARRAY_FREE(arr) \
do { \
size_t *raw = ((size_t*)(arr) - 2); \
free(raw); \
arr = NULL; \
} while (false)
#define ARRAY_PUSH(arr, v) \
do { \
size_t *raw = ((size_t*)(arr) - 2); \
if (raw[0] + 1 > raw[1]) { \
raw[1] = (raw[1] == 0) ? 8 : raw[1] * 2; \
raw = realloc(raw, 2 * sizeof(size_t) + raw[1] * sizeof(v)); \
arr = (void*)&raw[2]; \
} \
arr[raw[0]] = (v); \
raw[0] += 1; \
} while (false)
int *c;
printf("%d\n", c[0]); // print 1;
X macros
Sometimes you need to manage parallel list of data, for example in the above example with the interpreter, you have a list of bytecodes, and a jump table list(for computed goto), instead of hand written the jump table, X macros can generate them for you.
// "opcode.h"
// this is the header file for all the bytecodes.
// ...
int *ip;
static void *dispatch_table[] = {
#define OPCODE(name) &&op_##name,
#include "opcode.h"
#undef OPCODE
void interpret() {
goto *dispatch_table[*ip++];
// ...