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I’ve always been using Mac for programming since my first job. I don’t actually own one myself because the company always give me one. Since I bought a thinkpad, I started to setup emacs on windows WSL:

WSL & Hyper (a fancy terminal)

After this, you may want to use zsh and switch hyper’s default shell to zsh.


You may want to know where the hyper configuration file is: C:\\Users\\${USER}\\.hyper.js

Shadowsocks & Proxychains.

For people like me in China, we all need this one more step…

Emacs & VcXsrv

It’s not perfect. It’s slow af. The text is blurry and Chinese characters are a mess. But I think I can take it after all this trouble.

Update 1:

I can’t visit my local hexo server through After searching for a while, It turns out that it’s wegame’s fault (link). To solve this, you need to delete %systemroot%\system32\drivers\QMTgpNetflow764.sys and restart your computer. Or just uninstall wegame.

Update 2:

Ubuntu 18.04 is out: link.

Update 3:

I got rid of hyper and use this terminal now. Since it supports 24bits color, I only use emacs in terminal mode now. NO MORE X11 SERVER AND SHIT.

Update 4:

I just found an X-server on windows 10 that just works out of box: x410. It works on my 2k screen (export GDK_SCALE=2); Copy and paste works; It’s the only X-server that truly supports fullscreen-frame with my spacemacs; I can pin linux programes to windows taskbar, though it’s kinda time-consuming. Here are all the files: gist, it contains:

Keep in mind that you must change the scripts according to where you put the scripts. I have them in E:\wsl. Also if you don’t have x410, just use VcXsrv or any other X-server instead. All you need to do is comment out the lines with x410 and change it. For example, to use emacs.bat with VcXsrv.

REM here I use another keyboard layout, just remove it if you don't need it.

"C:\\Program Files\\VcXsrv\\vcxsrv.exe" -clipboard -wgl -nohostintitle -silent-dup-error -multiwindow -xkblayout us -xkbvariant dvorak

REM here I use my custom script to start emacs (ec), you can just uses emacs instead.

ubuntu1804.exe run "cd ~; export DISPLAY=;  /home/merlin/.spacemacs.d/script/ec"

It it now a much more acceptable development workflow on windows.

WSL emacs workflow screenshot

Update 5:

I couldn’t get native Linux docker to work, a work around is to install Windows version of docker and just use docker.exe since WSL and Linux share PATHs its more convenient than it sounds. But then I found this issue, to fix this:

sudo mkdir /e
sudo mount --bind /mnt/e /e

From now on just use /e instead.

Update 6:

Ubuntu 20.04 is out: link.

Update 7:

WSL 2.0 is out: link. In order to use it with X410, add this line to your startup script:

export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0

As you can see, WSL’s ip address is no longer You need to change all scripts with DISPLAY viriable in it.

Update 8:

I wrote my own emacs configuration now, I’ll talk about it more in later article.